Expert Ear Wax Removal London & The Home Counties Using Micro Suction (Mobile)

Providing Expert Ear Wax Removal In London And The Home Counties Using Microsuction

If you have blocked ears, or concerns about your hearing in general, you are in the right place! Please take a moment to look around, and feel free to discover more about microsuction and read the 5 star reviews our patients have written, before booking your appointment.

Audiologist-led Network Of Earwax Removal Clinics

We are an Audiologist-led network of earwax removal clinics. An audiologist is “a health care professional who is trained to evaluate hearing loss and related disorders, such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and to rehabilitate individuals with hearing loss and related disorders.” The advantage is that if you feel that you have an ear wax blockage, but it turns out that there isn’t any, we can also provide hearing tests and give unbiased independent advice on the best treatment.

Our partner opticians, pharmacies and health centres enable us to bring microsuction to your local area at an affordable price, and you don’t  need a medical referral to use our services.


Over seven thousand ears…

Between them, our team have removed wax from over seven thousand ears. So let them put their experience to good use by solving your earwax problem.

Early morning, evening and weekend appointments available…

As well as normal office hours, we have a limited number of early morning, evening and weekend appointments available, so there’s sure to be a time that’s convenient for you. To book an appointment, please visit our online booking page or click on Book Now.

We look forward, to helping you


Why Choose Micro Suction?

Many people are finding that their local NHS GP surgery has stopped offering ear syringing (also known as “ear irrigation”). No doubt this is partly down to a lack of funding, but that fact that ear syringing is inherently less safe than ear micro suction has played a large part. Many people have been injured by the ear syringing process and this is why we don’t offer ear syringing as a service.

Possible side effects of ear syringing or irrigation are ear infection, hearing loss, tinnitus, perforation of the ear drum, and further impaction of the ear wax (i.e. the ear wax gets pushed even harder against the ear drum). Is it any wonder that people are going off walk in ear syringing and are seeking out microsuction ear wax removal instead? Unfortunately, the resultant rise in demand has meant that NHS micro suction clinics are now no longer able to meet the need and waiting times often exceed two to three months.

“Going Private” Is Now More Affordable Than You Think

Our clients have told us time and again that the amount they paid was worth it for the relief of being able to hear properly again… without having to wait months for a micro suction appointment. You don’t need to wait months for ear wax removal, either. Why not jump the queue by “going private”?


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