Eight Centres For Speedy Effective Ear Wax Removal London

Last Updated on 19/01/2019 by Admin

Eight Centres For Speedy Effective Ear Wax Removal London

Updated 19th January 2019

Our group of eight centres for speedy effective ear wax removal London employs excellent highly trained Ear Wax Removal Micro Suction Clinic Location MapAudiologists and Medical Nurses ensuring that we clear blocked ears and improve hearing loss without any side effects.

Hearing Loss Improvements With Microsuction

We use the latest technology and advances in techniques used by our professionals to examine your ear canals, identifying the location and degree of wax build up.  We do this using instruments in our consulting rooms such as microscopes that can either be large floor standing units, or can be incorporated into glasses, in which case they are known as operating loupes. The operating microscope is combined with a powerful light source and is able to easily and painlessly locate the earwax, and a fine micro suction pump is used to gently draw out the offending wax.

This process is delicate and requires a detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the ear, and additional training in use of the technical equipment to ensure safety during the process.

Very often the outcome of the microsuction treatment result in clients reporting hearing loss improvements.

Unlike other ear wax removal clinics in London, which only use micro suction, our ear wax specialist practitioners are also trained to use manual instruments, ensuring that our success rate is the highest in the industry. At earwaxremoval.net we really are the ear wax removal specialists.

What Other’s Have Said:

Ear Blockage Removal London

microsuction clinic in pinner - looking for where to get ear wax removal in pinner?

I have had terrible ear pain and could not hear a thing. Ear syringing did not work and I was having to wait 16 weeks for an appointment on the NHS, I phoned this clinic last week and had an appointment today, within 30 minutes my ears were cleared and I can now hear properly for the first time in ages.
Mr Levy was fantastic. he worked really hard to make sure all of the wax was removed. He was really nice and kind.

Andree Quidder

Great Ear Wax Removal Service in Welwyn Garden City

MicroSuction EarWax Removal Clinic In Welwyn Garden City, Herts within Natural Health, near to John Lewis

I had a blocked ear for around 7 days, so annoying it was. Went to doctors he just gave me drops, which was using for few days, then brought olive oil drops , as people had said this may help, tried to get in doctors for a ear wax removal, but would of had to wait until 5th Sep, useless !!!
So I searched Google and found earwaxremoval.net, got a appointment for the evening time, well what can I say, the best ever money spent, to have this done, Jason was very helpful , and got on with his job on micro suction ear wax removal. I was able to ear again straight after the 20mins it took, my husband even got one ear done also.
So two VERY Happy Customers !! I will recommend going there to get this done if need be, no point in waiting around for doctors appointments when you can nip there, ok you have to pay, but that’s what life is all about spending money on things that are important to yourselves
Thanks Again for your efficient work Jason

L Lingwood

No Side Effects

Other methods of wax removal such as ear syringing where a syringe which is filled with warm water is inserted into the ear  and the water ejected into the ear canals to encourage the wax to be freed and to flow out of the ear into a kidney dish held under the ear.  More recently this process may be combined where the practitioner will use an ear irrigator pump with a jet tip. The pump has adjustable pressure, but the process is essentially the same. Many people have had their ears syringed or irrigated many times without any issues, and the process is usually free on the NHS.

However, often the process has to be preceded by a period (usually two weeks) of using ear drops to soften the wax as it does not work well with hardened ear wax.  Also, if the angle of the jet is not quite right it can send the wax further into the ear resulting pain; possibly causing tinnitus; perforating the eardrum.

If the amount of ear wax build up is so great, a perforated eardrum may be missed and the process could end up causing water, bacteria, wax and dead skin cells to be flushed past the eardrum into the middle ear, potentially causing a painful infection.

The method of ear ear syringing is not recommended following ear surgery., or if the eardrum has previously been perforated as any existing weak spot could be damaged again.

Patients Responses:

The only way I will ever have ear wax removed again


Microsuction Ear Wax Removal In London At Berkeley Court Pharmacy Marylebone London NW1 Just A One Minute Walk Brom Baker Street Station

Great service for a very reasonable price. My ears were messed up for 6 weeks after I had them syringed to remove impacted ear wax. They were far worse than they were before the syringe process. After microsuction they are fixed. I will never have them syringed again, but will instead be making an appointment to see Jason every time I am in the UK.

Jason E
MicroSuction EarWax Removal Clinic In Welwyn Garden City, Herts within Natural Health, near to John Lewis

“Would Choose This Again”

I needed my ears syringed but the dr’s couldn’t fit me in for almost a month. There was no way I could wait that long so looked online and microsuction came up. Once there I was made to feel welcome and relaxed. The procedure was quick and easy and my hearing came back instantly. I recommend this to anyone who needs it and would choose this again if required.

Ian thorne

I can hear again As good as new…

Microsuction Ear Wax Removal In London At Berkeley Court Pharmacy Marylebone London NW1 Just A One Minute Walk Brom Baker Street Station


Thank you so much for helping me… I am an actor currently working on stage in the West End of London and my hearing suddenly went completely, due to severe wax blockage and thanks to Jason Levy and his micro suction wax removal system I didn’t miss a performance… I would recommend this system of removal whole heartedly…

Thanks again, Jason Hall

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