Best Way To Remove Impacted Ear Wax
It is certainly a good idea to soften impacted ear wax at home before its removal, and research confirms this reduces the chances of dizziness or discomfort during an earwax removal procedure. Before a procedure, we recommend the following regime: 2 days of glycerine ear drops - 3 drops in each ear twice a day, followed by 3 days of Earoll® spray, 3 squirts in each ear 3 times a day., and then Waxsoll® at night for two nights prior to ear wax removal.
Given that it takes an Audiologist, who has studied the anatomy and physiology of the human ear in depth and whose work is solely related to ears, months of practice to become proficient at ear wax removal, we recommend that you seek out a professional Audiology service to complete the impacted ear wax removal procedure for you. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, we don't currently recommend impacted ear wax removal at home. However, we have put in place stringent procedures to ensure safety in our clinics and believe that our clinics are the safest place you can be right now.
Professional Ear Wax Removal Near You
With over 30 clinics in London, The Home Counties, East Anglia and The Midlands, have come to the right place. We have put in place stringent measures to ensure your safety, including our staff wearing full PPE, all patients are triaged before booking, and wear Type iiR fluid-resistant surgical masks while on our premises, patients' temperatures are taken before entering, and surfaces are sanitised between procedures.
To book ear wax removal at a clinic near you, you can call us on 0800 1 337 987 or save £10 and book online by going to our booking page here, or by clicking the button below.